About her.

Picture of Amanda - dressed in pink checkered shirt

👋 Hi, I'm Amanda!

I currently work as a Digital Technologist at the School of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Newcastle. My responsibilities include starting up and managing an emerging technology laboratory called PixelSpace Lab, development of websites, apps, and games, digital learning enhancements, business automation, AI in Education, consultation, facilitating innovation, and research.

I graduated at the University of Newcastle with the Bachelor of Information Technology majoring in Interactive Media (High Distinction average of 6.7) in June 2022 and received a College Medal or Summa Cum Laude in Philippine terms. I love mixing my passion and skills for creativity, communications, problem-solving, and technology together to create meaningful impact on people, organisations, decisions, stories, and interactive experiences.

Furthermore, I love exploring different aspects of emerging technology such as business and data analysis, artificial intelligence, and human-computer interaction.

While living in 4 different countries, it enthusiastically leads me to see different cultures, lifestyles, and perspectives when interacting with new people from various backgrounds! I am excited to take on new challenges and learn as much as I can in each and every opportunity, big or small. Because I was born and raised in Saudi Arabia for ten years since my Filipino parents are immigrants, then was raised in Qatar for eight years. Now, I am independently residing in Australia for two years.

In my free time, I love to join hackathons, spend time with family and friends, create digital + traditional art, read books/comics/manga, and play video games such as Stardew Valley, League of Legends, Overwatch, and more!

You can contact me at amanda@apdv.dev. As for my work, volunteer, club, and education experiences, you can look here at LinkedIn.

Fun facts:

  • INFJ-A 5w4

  • apdv means Amanda Patricia Dorado Viray

  • I love sleep 🌙